We are super excited to have you onboard.
What to expect from the onboarding
Growth comes from discovering something new or rediscovering something fundamental.
BBM Mission Vision and Values
You are joining a team of high-performance individuals that are all aligned and focused on achieving BBMs mission and vision, and that share our key values.
Meet BBM team
See who you will be rubbing shoulders with on a day-to-day, week to week or month to month and get to know the great people that make up the BBM team.
BBM Platforms
Check out how we do, what we do. we're all about working smart and are in a constant path to finding better ways of doing the things.
Meet the Clients
We have standards. we don't work with anyone, we only work with those who are a fit, that share our values, respect our time, are ambitious and have already proved that they are capable of achieving greatness.
Our Mission

Become the #1 Fitness Marketing Agency in the UK, then EU,

then the World.

Our vision

To break the status quo and repair the reputation of marketing agencies by delivering exceptional, industry-leading results and experiences for our clients.

WE ARE high-performance individuals
we enjoy what we do
we respect each other's time
we are a team
We're Always Seeking Growth & Progress Opportunities & We Always Aim to Do Better Than Any Other Agency or In-House Team Can Do.

We Don't Get Upset If Our Idea Isn't Chosen, and We Don't Get Emotional If We received negative feedback. We Take it On Board & WE MOVE!

We're Not Only Here For The Money But Here For The Legacy. We All Share The Drive Top Be Recognised As The Best.

... In The Famous Words of Connor Mcgregor

We Are Not Here to Take Part... We're Here to Take Over.
Meet the team
We are a team, based around Europe, we speak 6 languages combined, but share the same vision, passion for work and inspiration in fitness and marketing.
The following information will get you familiar with our approach and tools we use internally for the most effective collaboration and communication between the team and our clients. Can find a better way of organising it, Let's try it. We are here to innovate, learn and apply the best practices.


Make it visual
We use Milanote as our tool for visualising campaigns. it's great to map out emails, ads, and seasonal campaigns. as well as to create mood boards/ references for content requests.

Visualising a strategy/campaign will allow for better clarity, communication, collaboration, and buy in from the team and client. And once approved its also useful for planning to ensure the execute of strategy is just as good as the strategy itself.

Slack is our communication platform of choice, and within slack we have 2 types of channels.

1. Internal BBM team channel: Here's where we problem solve as a team, we notify team members if their attention is needed on a task on Milanote, and of course have a bit of fun and banter.

2. Client Channels: Here's where we communicate anything and everything that you feel should be client-facing, stuff like updates, screenshots of wins, any questions for clients and updates in general. Banter is most welcome, just make sure you read the room, Ideally as a minimum a message every other day in each client channel to keep the discussion going, a dormant channel is like an awkward ride up the lift when no one speaks.

Pro-tip: Install the Gif-Slack extension (ask us in the channel if you need help), we tend to use a lot of gifs to communicate and we'd hate for you to feel left out.
Where all the communication happens
Organise, Plan, Prioritise, Work Flowwww.
We use asana for all our planning, project management and collaboration needs. Breaking down our monthly deliverables into tasks and subtasks with deadlines, owners and additional info so we can maxmise efficiency and ensure everyone is upto date with everything, even as we get busy in the day to day. We have also set up automations to slack, so while you update tasks to working on or done it will automatically drop a message int eh channel to let the client know. More on this in the communication standards section above (Under our approach & tools).
Lets set up your Slack account
  1. Use your new BBM email address to sign up for Slack Account
  2. Upload your avatar
  3. Include your role in the company

Monthly EOM Team Chat

Our 1 hour Zoom sessions allow us to have round table discussions as a team to review client results, talk through new ideas to improve and create a plan for the month ahead. While of course catching up with each other to stay connected.

It's the best boost of motivation and clarity to start the month.

Here at BBM, we believe in keep investing into ourselves, our knowledge and expertise.
If you find a great resource to elevate your skillset, share it with us and we will do our best to fully or partially cover the investment.

So you can do what YOU LOVE even better.

Clients Ad Platforms You Will Take Over Now

Silverback - Fitness fashion brand: Meta, Google, Tiktok
Chosen Few Athletics - Fitness fashion brand: Meta, Google, Tiktok.
RecoverFit - Big Brand Recovery Product Retailer: Google.